Today's run: 4.85 km (3.01 miles) in 40:19.
Injury check: All clear.
New knee support, new running tights (given to me by another member of Team Em and Me), new enthusiasm for running - and here I go!
Well... two out of three ain't bad.
However, the tights are great: they made such a difference running in the cold weather, and my legs felt so much less numb/chapped/horrible during and after my run.
Now I need to find a lightweight jacket/fleece of some kind to protect the rest of me from the chill - and then once I have that I'll be properly kitted out and the weather will have no hold over me. Mwahahahaha!
Ahem. Apologies for that moment, but I am on a buzz after finishing nearly 5k - in the cold and the wind - and not feeling like I was dying at the end of it.
In other thoughts, I have a JustGiving page now:
Watch this space for more sponsorship musings...