
This Week I Shall Be Mostly Eating Pasta

Final run: 6 miles / 9.66 km in 1:05:22.
Injury check: Minor niggles.
Support crew: Ian, on bike.

My final 'long' run was on Saturday, and it was only 6 miles. From now on I might just do a couple of ten-minute jogs to keep my legs moving, but there won't be any more serious training runs. I might not even do that: my bad knee has been twinging a bit in the last week or so, and I'm inclined to rest it up in preparation for the big day.

Saturday was a good run: good pace, good route with a very little bit of gradient but nothing bad, in a new town so it had novelty, with a different training partner (who obviously didn't break any more of a sweat than my previous bike-riding partners) - and pretty nice weather for running. There was even blue sky and sunshine at the start. Again, something like that for M-Day would be good. 

In other news: I have reached - and passed - my fundraising target! I will write more on that later, but for now I would just like to say THANK YOU to everyone who has been so generous in sponsoring me. 

And yes, this week, I will be mostly eating pasta. Carbo-loading for Sunday. As well as making many lists in an effort to distract myself from The Fear of The Marathon...

1. Make list.
2. Run marathon.
3. And relax.

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